Frank Mathieu

Frank Mathieu's Music


»Spotify Playlist: 'milestones of modern piano music 🎹🎼🎶🎵😊'«

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Upcoming and recent releases

Latest Release

September 17, 2021 'A Rainy Day'

September 17, 2021 'A Rainy Day'

... That it was indeed. In the afternoon some birds were sitting in front of my window.
At night, there was only drizzling rain. I sat at my piano and improvised while I was listening to the rain.

3rd of July, 2020 'In Between'

Time is passing by, sometimes it flies.
We are always 'between' yesterday and tomorrow.

April 30th, 2020 'Farewell'

There are things, moments, maybe people we have had to let go.
Though, they are not gone, as long as we remember. And there is a future that brings us more moments and encounters we will like to remember.
That, I think is an encouraging thought.

Released in December 2019 'Creeks and Rivers'

A tale about how small waters become big.

Have a look at:

Released in December 2019 'Merry Little Melody'

It simply appeared, when I sat at the Piano.
For Advent, Christmas and New Years Eve.

Check out:

September 2019 'Autumn'

One Melody, that I played on the piano.
I also created versions with celli and guitars.
The album was released September 19th, 2019.

June 2019, EP 'Joyful Moonlight'

It contains two songs for the piano.
For 'Treads and Dreams', which is one of my more popular songs, I have created an ambient-like version.

Listen to the EP on

Night Walk Night Walk

Spring 2019, single 'Night Walk'

Towards the end of winter 2018/2019 I walked around in town late at night. Snow was melting and cars passed by. The stars were beautiful, spring was about to begin.
I was inspired and started writing this song, when I came home.

Available on

Nachtigalls Klavierkonzert

The Nightingal woke me up at late spring 2008 just after midnight. It sang the whole night through. It was really beautiful sitting there while recording the bird's tale. I played the piano to it some time later.

Venus und Erde

When I recorded this, it was really late and my thoughts strayed away.
I thought about next vacation, sea, mountains, getting a rest.


Ruhe means peace which I sought when I wrote this song. I hope you find some too.

Early works

Alle meine Entchen

This is one of the most famous childrens songs in Germany. I liked to interpret it in an easier, more relaxed way.

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in A Minor

The main theme came to my mind in the early 1990s.
I did not play any instrument by then which is why I had to learn how to play the piano first.
By 2000 I started adding one instrument after another via keyboard and soundfonts until I did the mastering in 2018.

Alle meine Entchen

This is one of the most famous childrens songs in Germany. I liked to interpret it in an easier, more relaxed way.

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in A Minor

The main theme came to my mind in the early 1990s.
I did not play any instrument by then which is why I had to learn how to play the piano first.
By 2000 I started adding one instrument after another via keyboard and soundfonts until I did the mastering in 2018.

Piano, Guitar and classical instruments.

Piano, Guitar, classical instruments plus Vocals.

Focus on new Songs / New Artists.

Tunes that have some 'Blue Notes'.

Piano, Guitar and classical instruments.

Piano, Guitar, classical instruments plus Vocals.

Focus on new Songs / New Artists.

Tunes that have some 'Blue Notes'.

Diverse while still in harmony.
Songs from all times, hand picked.
Funk, Soul, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Classical pieces too.

Give it a try in Shuffle mode. It'll surprise you every time you open it.

Focus on new Artists.

Quiet and pieceful.

Diverse while still in harmony.
Songs from all times, hand picked.
Funk, Soul, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Classical pieces too.

Give it a try in Shuffle mode. It'll surprise you every time you open it.

Focus on new Artists.

Quiet and pieceful.

Although music has always been a passion of mine, I started the journey as a composer and musician really late.
At school I was part time DJ. That is ages ago - we did not yet have CDs, mostly tapes and some vinyl.
Of course I got CDs later which I digitized. Digital media and digital Pianos opened a door for me 'cause I never had time for piano lessons nor did I have a real piano. My neighbours insisted on total silence and I worked late.

Mostly I stick to the piano but create some additional sounds on synthesizers I have available. In some songs I have used sounds I recorded. Vocals is not my strong suit.

I hope you'll like some of my songs. If so, let me know. You'll find the links on the bottom of the web site.

Thanks and enjoy.


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All the best to you,
yours Frank.
aka. '@mainzerfrank'

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